Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The Saints are Winners!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Saints and Deacons.
Tonight was Deacon ordination night at church. I have always wanted to be a deacon, but so far it hasn't happened. I thought maybe it was because I wasn't married or something, but we ordained one guy tonight that was single so I guess that isn't it. Who knows? Anyway, I have always enjoyed the ordination services (except for the REALLY long ones.) I really like the part when the wife stands behind the soon-to-be deacon and the other ordained ministers come and pray with the ordainees. It means a lot to me to see a wife who supports her husband and is there to show it.
Oh, I think I will have a special suprise for any of you techies out there tomorrow. I have recently acquired a really cool machine a work and I will take some pictures and tell you guys about it tomorrow. I think even non-techie people will like it, so tune in tomorrow (or at least sometime soon.)
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Almost forgot to add a title.
Well, I just got back from the Techsters-Tennessee game. I had prepared myself for losing, but we got beat pretty badly, I think we only scored 15 points in the first half and Tennessee had about 42. The second half was better, but still lost by more than 20. I am afraid that gone are the days when we could truly expect the Techsters to win any game they played. Granted Tennessee is one of the all-time powers in women's basketball, but the Techsters just aren't at the same level that they once were. I really want to go to a game of any sort where Tech wins, it has been a long time. I think the bowling team has been doing pretty good lately. . .
So the first day of the new quarter is tomorrow. I am looking forward to it. I really like teaching, I don't know why, but I just really like it. I am basically teaching the same classes that I taught last quarter, and that is good. I have several new things that I am working on and if I had to try and teach new classes it would just be too much. Oh and we have Christmas break in just three weeks!
That's all for tonight.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Merry Christmas from Champ!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Oh Christmas Tree . . .
So in other news, there was a missionary from Turkey at church tonight. Listening to him really brought back some memories from back in the day. I wish I had taken more pictures from those days. I don't even know if I owned a camera back then though. I always thought that I would remember everything, but it seems like I can't quite remember all of those days like I thought I would. Who knew? It seems my forgetter is getting better all the time.
P.S. Do you guys spend as much time as I do just trying to rearrange the pictures so that they show up where you want them?
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Catch Up
So let's see what has been going on. Another quarter has come and gone, I think I have been teaching at Tech for over five years now. It seems like a long time, but just yesterday I was at home (in Many) for Thanksgiving and I found some of my old Tech stuff. I even ran across my packet from Orientation and that seemed like only a week or two ago. To steal from Dickens, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." College was great, but there was some hard stuff to deal with at the same time. Anyway, enough about that, let's see what else has been going on.
The Saints are trying to be a pretty good football team and that is exciting. Tech is trying to find every possible way to loose games and that is not so exciting. Oh, I got word that for the summer, I get to take at least two trips. I think I mentioned earlier that I was going to Hawaii for a conference, but now I am going to Boulder, Colorado too. The only bad part is that the trips are only a few days apart so it is going to be a little hectic. I got two papers accepted, so that is good news. (Technically, only the abstracts are accepted right now, but surely they will accept the papers too.) Don Piper (the 90 Minutes in Heaven guy) spoke at church a few Sunday's ago. That was pretty cool and there were a LOT of people there. Oh, speaking of church, I have moved instruments again, these days you can find me playing electric guitar (and for those of you who care: I am standing up . . . you know who you are.)
I don't have any cool pictures of anything to post so I am afraid that this will be a pictureless post, sorry. Maybe next time I will have a picture of something, who knows. Well, I can't think of anything else to write. I will have to call it a night. See you later.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
She ain't Pretty, but she's mine!
My dad and I actually took two cars (a 1965 and a 1966) and built this one. It was a long process of cleaning, painting and all sorts of work. There was one point where every piece of the car that could be removed had been (except for the dimmer switch, and I am not really sure why I never did remove it). We did all of the work ourselves and it turned out really nice. We built a lot of cars over the years, but this one was by far my favorite.
Anyway, I have some big plans for her. I am not too worried about putting everything back to stock-showroom-floor condition so that should make things go much smoother. There is PLENTY of work to be done without being bothered if I have the correct hanger for the muffler. Although, when we built this car we did go back to showroom condition.
Hopefully, I will have some updates soon, but we all know how I am with updates.
Oh, I almost forgot: Tech won! Now bring on the Aggies.
Monday, September 04, 2006
I have Returned!
So I got back from Europe last night and it was a great trip! I have LOTS of pictures, I think there are over 1,000 of them. I will put a few of them up here for you to see. There were so many things to do and see that I only got to do a very little bit. But overall it was a very good expereince. I hope to be able to go back and visit some of the better places more throughly. This trip included London, Paris, Lucerne, Venice, Lugano, Florence, and Rome and a spot or two in between.
I didn't have too many problems on the trip. About the only thing that went a little wrong was one bus ride in Rome. I got on the right bus, but going the wrong direction. I was trying to keep track on my map, but then the bus went off the map so I decided it was best to just ride it out and eventually it got me to the right spot. Pretty much everything else went according to plan.
The trip was a little fast paced though and I didn't care for the early morning bus rides. But I can't think of a better way to see so much of Eurpoe in just two weeks. I think of it as an overview, sort of like looking through the chapter summaries of a book to see what you really want to read. My favorite city was Paris, but none of the cities were bad. I wa very suprised by London, it was much more than I thought it would be. Rome was great, but very spread out. Paris just has so much there that I would want to go back and see. I only got to spend about one hour in the Louvre and I think I could have spent a week in there. I still want to visit Scotland and Ireland, but I do want to go back to Paris some time too. I also want to see Egypt some day too.
Oh, this was cool: the very first thing I saw on TV when getting back to the States was a replay of on Tech touchdown on ESPN so I was all excited, but then they showed the score and saw that we lost. But still it was cool to see the replay of the touchdown.
Well, if you want to see a few more of the pictures you can click here. I made them smaller than original so they shouldn't take too long to download. I suppose I should see if there is any work I need to do. School starts this week and our faculty meetings are tomorrow so I am sure there is some work that needs to be done. I will try to post some more stories from each place soon.
Friday, August 11, 2006
some people make you crazy
You know, some people just make you crazy. Here it is the last day of class, three hours before the final exam and there is a student in my office trying to learn “everything for the final.” And yes, I am writing this while he sits here. Is that wrong? Some people just make you crazy. Oh well, we will see how it turns out for him.
On a brighter (and scarier at the same time) thought, it is quickly approaching time for my European Vacation. Normally that would be pretty exciting, but with the recent terrorist plans I am not so sure. I was reading that I may not be able to bring any sort of liquids or electronics with me. It could be that they mean that I just can’t bring it as a carry-on, but it may mean none at all. Oh well, we will have to wait and see.
I am looking forward to some Tech football though. I will still be in Europe (or blown up) during the Nebraska game, so no one tell me how it turns out! I think we have a chance to do some good things this year, but I am an optimist. Maybe I will see some of you there.
Well, two and a half hours until the final and I think he may have a chance a getting some of the problems right, maybe.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
So the Summer is almost over
Well, things are starting to wrap up for the summer. Class is almost over and we are starting to get ready for the fall quarter. For the most part it has been a pretty good summer. I still have a trip to Dallas planned and then my big trip to Europe. I finally got a decent camera too! At least I think it is decent, it looks cool if nothing else. It is an Olympus Stylus 710. I have a few pictures of it that I took with my old camera. My old camera is pretty good, but you can only use it about once a day and then it won't come back on for a day or two. Anyway, this one is just in time for my trips.
I normally would have just kept on going with my old camera, but I reviewed a text book this summer and they paid me an honorarium so I figured I would use that money to get the new camera. So far I am pretty happy with it, but then again it has only been like 30 minutes.
Speaking of the text book reviewing, it was actually pretty fun. There was an option on the review form to remain anonymous to the author, I guess some people really go off on the books and are afraid to be known. I did have a few negative things to say about the book, but I didn't check the anonymous thing. That would have just seemed pretty weak to me. Overall, the book had some really great parts to it, I just think it was missing a few essential sections, but that is another story.
Well, I have been thinking about at least trying to keep up with my blog. But as you can tell, I haven't been doing a good job of that. They say that it takes doing something seven times to establish a habit. So that is my goal: to write on my blog at least once for seven weeks in a row and we will see how things go from there. It will sort of be my mid-year's resolution.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Well hello there.
I FINALLY went and got the pictures from the cruise developed . . . about all I have to say about that is: disposable cameras suck. Can I say suck on the internet? I guess so. Anyway, I do have a few pictures that are somewhat decent. I at least have one of the ship that I will post for now. This is from Jamaica. I will have to sort few the other pictures and see if there is anyway I can salvage them. Most of them are too dark to see much, either that or they are too light and look faded out. In other news, I was supposed to head to Washington, DC this week, but that trip got canceled and was replaced with a trip to Baton Rouge. Not nearly the same. Plus I have to drive down there (while transporting two or three people from Tech). Oh well, at least they will pay me for the mileage (I hope).
School is about to start up for the summer. I will be teaching one of my favorite classes during the ten-week session. I am also going to help out with a summer camp: LA GearUP. I still think I have a trip to Eurpoe planned, but you never know. Some of the people who were planning on going dropped out so the whole thing may fall apart any minute, but then again it may go on as planned. I am definately getting a camera for that. I do have a decent digital camera, but it only works for a little while at a time and then it shuts down for an hour or so (not reliable enough for me). I am looking at getting a Kodak, one of the small black ones.
Well, I am about to start rambling, I better nip-it-in-the-bud now or this could go on for a while.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
So it has been a really long time . . .
I kept waiting to get pictures from my cruise before I posted, but there was always something going on. So I decided to write a short note to say that I was still alive. Pictures and stories will be forth coming (is "forth coming" one word or two?) Anyway, I have to plan for my next trip which is supposed to be to Washington DC. This one is a school trip so we will have to wait and see if they find enough money to send me there or not. But if it happens it will be very soon (the end of this month).
I may even throw in some information on my latest projects. I have been remodeling my office at home and it is turning out pretty good so I may share some of that. Oh I do have a picture of my new desk that I built. I will post that on here if I can find it. My office was a bedroom before so I took the closet and put a desk and a shelf in it, all made from scratch. It felt good to be able to build something. I used to fix old cars back in the day, but I haven't had a garage or anything to work on them since moving to Ruston so little projects like this sort of fill that void. Anyhow, at least now I have a picture in my post.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
On to more exciting things. . . as I said I am going cruising next week. I will be on the Carnival Conquest. I think it is the biggest ship Carnival has, it is almost 1000 feet long! If you have never been on a cruise before I highly recommend it. All you have to do is get you and your luggage to a port (I am leaving from Galveston) and hop on the ship. You don’t have to worry about anything else. All your meals are on the ship, it does all of the traveling around and everything you need is right there. Now, the rooms are a bit small compared to hotel rooms, but who wants to stay in the room when you are on a huge boat?
This will be a seven day cruise starting in Galveston then on to Montego Bay, Jamaica, the Caymans, Cozumel and finally back to Galveston. I have been on one other cruise that went to Cozumel, Playa Del Carmen and Costa Maya, but I have never been to most of the places on this cruise. I will have to look into getting some sort of camera for documenting my cruise. I wonder if I can count that as a tax write off somehow?
Friday, March 10, 2006
Go Dawgs!
I will have to tell y’all more about the trips as the time gets closer to leave. They are going to be pretty fun I think. But I will save them for later, right now I will tell you about my recent time wast . . . err I mean brain stimulator. I was recently introduced to Sudoku. It is a mix of a crossword puzzle, logic and a little math. I get hooked on those types of little games pretty easily. I am especially fond of the one at www.websudoku.com it keeps track of how long it takes you to finish your puzzle and then it shows you how you rank compared to the rest of the world. The first one I did had me ranked in like the bottom 10% so naturally I thought it was broken, either that or everyone else was cheating. But eventually I got to where I could finish them in a reasonable amount of time. Anyway, go check it out my Mama is even hooked on the things so they can’t be all that boring.
Oh and don’t forget Tech is playing in the conference basketball tournament now. Both the guys and girls have won their first round games and will be playing the second round today. We have some really great athletes this year. Paul Millsap (on the guys team obviously) is set up to win the national rebounding title for the third time. That is pretty big, no one ever has done that! Anyway . . . Go Dawgs and Techsters!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Last Week of the Quarter
Anyway, it is still a lot of fun. I really don’t think I could go out into industry and work eight to five, five days a week with two weeks vacation a year. I have heard the old saying, “Those who can’t, teach” but I just am not made up for an industry type job (so maybe the old saying I right.) Besides, everyone is outsourcing to India and China anyway. Well, I just wanted to post a shortie so that my massive audience wouldn’t get discouraged and stop visiting my blog.
Oh I do have one item of interest stemming from the Pizza delivery incident. I sent in one of those customer response emails to PizzaHut.com and well what do you know, they actually read them. The manager of several of the Louisiana Pizza Huts called me. I explained to him my beef with the call center and the whole situation. He said he was going to send me some coupons for a couple of free pizzas and other loot. So for now, Pizza Hut is back in my good graces. So stayed tuned for the next episode when we, “Try to take over the world!” [I used to love that show. Actually, I probably still do.]
Friday, February 17, 2006
The World is Flat
"The World is Flat" is a pretty long book, but it is an easy read. I would recommend reading it if you are interested in taking a look at how the world works these days. There are some pretty astonishing things in the book. I will give you a for instance. You have probably noticed that if you call technical support for your cell phone you more than likely end up talking to someone with an Indian accent. Well, many of the big tech companies have moved their technical support centers over to India. That may not surprise you, but what surprised me is that they are actually teaching the Indians how to speak with a certain accent. So if you or I down here in Louisiana call them up we will get an Indian trained to speak with a Southern drawl. Anyway, lots of interesting info like that in the book.
On a side note (but still related to some of the topics in the book), have any of you ever been involved in your own home based business? I actually have been for a little while now. My family has always been into some sort of business: cars and art to name a few (I will have to tell you about my car and art background sometime.) Well, I have been involved in the wellness industry for about a year now. I have my own webpage and everything. It is actually pretty fun and I manage to make a few extra dollars. I am going to put a link to my webpage over on the side bar of this page so you can check it out if any of you are interested. I will have to devote an entire post or two just to my business in the future. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else has any home based businesses. So feel free to tell me about your ventures into the home based business world.
Well, I have noticed that my posts tend to ramble on, so I am shut this one down for now. Check out "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman and check out my business webpage. Tell me what you think.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Eye-Glazing 101
Let me fill you in. Over here at Tech, all math, science and engineering are part of the same college so we are encouraged to work together on multidisciplinary projects. So I have been working with a math guy and some others on a project that encourages high school juniors and seniors to enroll in math, science or engineering in college. So this guy asks someone from out group to give a talk at an upcoming math conference. Of course, I am duly elected to give this talk (if by elected I mean told to be there at 3:30 with my presentation.) Why don’t I just list a few of the other topics at this conference so that you can get an idea of the audience I am going to speak to. Here are two of the other presentations:
- Solving for the zeros of the function F(q) = 1/1q + 1/ 2q +1/ 3q + …+1/(p-1)q in the finite field Zp = {0,1,2,…,p-1}
- A Structured Erythropoiesis Model with Nonlinear Cell Maturation Velocity and Hormone Decay Rate
I just hope I don’t get nervous and start using the old public speaking strategy of picturing your audience with no clothes on. That would definitely NOT be the best image to have. You try picturing a room full of Albert Einstein’s in their skivvies and see if you don’t bust out laughing.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Pizza Time!
Skip ahead one hour. By now I am getting really hungry and there is no pizza in sight. So I decide to call them up and see what is going on. I get to talk to Call Center Guy and he tells me that the driver has left the store and that I should be getting my pizza any minute. Well the guy was nice about it so I decide to cut them some slack and wait it out.
Skip ahead another half-hour. No Pizza. By now, hunger has gotten the better of my senses and I decide to call them back and see what is going on. I live about five minutes from Pizza Hut and it should not take the guy THAT long to get here. Hush, of course I know I could have gone and gotten four pizzas myself if I would have just gotten up and done it, that is not the point. So for the second call I get to talk to Call Center Girl. Well, by know I my not be lucid due to my hunger-weakened state and this girl decided that it would be nice to provoke me. So I inform her of my plight and that is has been an hour and a half since I ordered my pizza . . . silence . . .silence . . . silence. Finally, I get tired of the silence and just ask her if my pizza is still on the way. She tells me (in a really rude voice) that the delivery guy just left and that it should be there any minute (ok, apparently she doesn't know who she is dealing with, I have heard that story before.) So I tell her that I was told he left half an hour ago. So she informs me that I should just be patient (again with the rude voice) and it will be there soon. So I tell her that I have been patient, but it has been an hour and a half. I didn't want to have to ask for the discount, but it seemed like I was going to have to do it myself. What ever happened to being nice to the customers, I am not paying them to be mean to me.
Remember the good old days when the pizza was free if it was over thirty minutes late? Well, those days are long gone my friend. No longer are there delivery guys driving like mad men to get to your house on time. No more free pizzas either. The girl finally relented enough to tell me that when the delivery guy got to my house I should call them back and and they will give him some type of code or something. So I continue my pizza waiting vigil.
Skip ahead ten more minutes. Pizza time! The guy shows up and he is just a little college kid so I feel sorry for him. I know it isn't his fault that the pizza is late, it is Call Center Girl's fault! I don't know how, but somehow I am sure my late pizza is her doing. So I call them up to get the code (which is ridiculous by the way, why should I have to call them? they are the late ones? couldn't they have just told me the code?) Anyway, they give him the code and so I am thinking I have in my hands a free pizza, but nooooo. It is only half off. Plus they make me do the math to figure out how much half off equals. What do I look like some kind of math guy? Ok, so don't answer that, that is not the point either. Finally I just give the guy $10 and tell him to keep the rest of it, I think half off came to $6.50 or so.
I finally get to eat my pizza, and you know what? It was still pretty darn good. But that is soooo not the point.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
The plot thickens.
So you say, “Why did you have it unsecured in the first place, are you just stupid?” Well, yes and no. I didn’t want to have to remember some 10 digit passkey just to log onto my own connection. Plus I didn’t figure it was broadcasting far enough for someone else to use it. Oh well, hopefully all is well now and I can go on with life. So the moral of the story is: don’t leave your wireless internet unsecured.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Internet Nazi says, "No movie for joo!"
After an internetless evening I awaken to a new day filled with the hopes of my internet being restored and working better than ever. The cable guy finally gets to the house. They gave me a time frame between eight and ten. Guess when the guy shows up? I am sure I don’t have to tell you that he shows up about 9:50. So he tinkers with the modem for a while, doing all the things I did the night before. Finally, he measures the signal from the cable company and discovers it is too hot (they are sending me too much juice.) So we get that under control, but still no internet. So he connects a new modem and all looks well. But then, and this is where it starts getting interesting (and by interesting, I mean makes my blood start to boil.)
Cable Guy calls the company to tell them that he has switched out my modem and he is just reporting it in. Here is a transcript of what I hear from his end of the conversation:
“Yeah, this is . . . I am with Cox Communications in Ruston . . . blah blah blah . . . something about switching out modems . . . blah blah. . . IT’S BEEN WHAT? Are you sure? Well do you want to talk to him?”
So I nervously take the phone from Cable Guy and they proceed to tell me that my internet account has been suspended for inappropriate activity. I am like, can you be more specific? They tell me that apparently I have been downloading movies and that Cox Communications does not allow that. Now my first thought is that they think I have downloaded some sort of girly movie. So I dig deeper for more information. Apparently, Cox does not allow you to download ANY movie of any type. No funny short from IFilm, no XMen III trailer, no commercial for LOST, nothing, nada, zilch. So I ask them when they put this into place and they tell me that it has always been that way. So I ask them to point me to where I can find this in writing; they will have to get back to me on that. So I ask for more details of my suspension, but I get nothing.
So there you have it, I am a convicted movie downloader. I have been tried and proven guilty before I even knew it was so wrong. Now, I do think that there is a problem in our country with some of the content of the internet. But if I want to download a video of a guy cutting a tree down and watching it fall on his car, there shouldn’t be someone out there telling me that I can’t. So I am still trying to get to the bottom of this, surely there is some misunderstanding. Don’t worry, I will keep you informed. But if it is true that Cox will not let me download any sort of movie at all then I am going to have to find a new service. Oh, well, I always wanted Direct TV anyway. But I am NOT giving up my DVR!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Insanity I tell you, insanity.
Earlier today, I had an idea of something that I wanted to post about and this basketball game reminded of it again. It is a quote from Albert Einstein, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I am a fan of quotes, expecially from Al, he really has some good ones that are thought provoking and a little funny at the same time. Maybe I will post some of my other favorites from time to time; you can never have too many good quotes.
Anyway, back to why the game reminded me of this quote. Throughout the entire basketball game it seemed like Tech was doing the same thing over and over on defense and expecting that some how this next time it would turn out differently. It never did, Nevada just kept on scoring. It sounds so simple, but it is so true. People just get stuck in a rut and don't know what to do other than the same old thing and hope things come out differently. I don't want to ever get stuck in a rut like that and I don't want any of you to either, whoever (or is it whomever?) you may be.
Well, I have some more thoughts to post, but they are going to have to wait until the morning. I am afraid this was not a very funny blog post, but I never promised funny. So to make up for the absence of funny I will leave you with this: if you find yourself in a rut, don't do the same old thing; try something new and expect some new results! You might be surprised at what happens.
Monday, January 30, 2006
The Preface
So, now you know where that came from so we can get on to something slightly more interesting. First, some ground rules and qualifying statements. I in no way guarantee that anything written on this blog will be funny, useful or even smart sounding. Second, there will be no schedule for when I will actually post things on this blog, so cherish each post as if it is the last one ever. Third, you, the viewer, must swear to never take anything I write too seriously, I tend to be a bit on the sarcastic and dry side of the humor scale. Ok, so now I think we will all be able to get along.
What to write about first? Well, let me just tell you about what I am doing these days. I am teaching engineering at Tech. It is one of the most fun jobs I can think of. Basically, I teach three or four maybe five times a week and write proposals and develop new curricula the rest of the time. This time of the quarter I also advise a few guys, (they really are mostly guys over here in engineering.) I get to travel to various other schools and conferences around the nation. Next year, the main conference is held in Hawaii, so I am working on Tech to send me there, so I can bring back some good information of course. It is all fun, especially the quarter breaks, summer break, spring break and . . . well you get the idea.
Well, I need to get back to grading some tests. Grading has to be the worst part of teaching. I just don’t care for it at all. I have enjoyed my little blogging break. Maybe next post will contain something more interesting. Perhaps, an “Ode to the Engineer in all of Us” or a dissertation on the effective use of sarcasm in social conversation. The list is limitless. So, now you know . . .