Friday, February 17, 2006

The World is Flat

Well, the math talk went ok. I am glad to have it done though. It pretty much went off without a hitch so I don't have any funny math conference stories to tell. So who knows where this post will end up. I will start by mentioning one of the books I am reading, "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman. You may have heard of it, it has been on the best seller list for like 50 weeks or so. Anyway, this book is actually pretty interesting it talks about how the world-wide playing field is being leveled through technology like the internet and how many Western companies are downsizing and outsourcing to Eastern lands, particularly India.

"The World is Flat" is a pretty long book, but it is an easy read. I would recommend reading it if you are interested in taking a look at how the world works these days. There are some pretty astonishing things in the book. I will give you a for instance. You have probably noticed that if you call technical support for your cell phone you more than likely end up talking to someone with an Indian accent. Well, many of the big tech companies have moved their technical support centers over to India. That may not surprise you, but what surprised me is that they are actually teaching the Indians how to speak with a certain accent. So if you or I down here in Louisiana call them up we will get an Indian trained to speak with a Southern drawl. Anyway, lots of interesting info like that in the book.

On a side note (but still related to some of the topics in the book), have any of you ever been involved in your own home based business? I actually have been for a little while now. My family has always been into some sort of business: cars and art to name a few (I will have to tell you about my car and art background sometime.) Well, I have been involved in the wellness industry for about a year now. I have my own webpage and everything. It is actually pretty fun and I manage to make a few extra dollars. I am going to put a link to my webpage over on the side bar of this page so you can check it out if any of you are interested. I will have to devote an entire post or two just to my business in the future. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else has any home based businesses. So feel free to tell me about your ventures into the home based business world.

Well, I have noticed that my posts tend to ramble on, so I am shut this one down for now. Check out "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman and check out my business webpage. Tell me what you think.

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