So I got back from Europe last night and it was a great trip! I have LOTS of pictures, I think there are over 1,000 of them. I will put a few of them up here for you to see. There were so many things to do and see that I only got to do a very little bit. But overall it was a very good expereince. I hope to be able to go back and visit some of the better places more throughly. This trip included London, Paris, Lucerne, Venice, Lugano, Florence, and Rome and a spot or two in between.
I didn't have too many problems on the trip. About the only thing that went a little wrong was one bus ride in Rome. I got on the right bus, but going the wrong direction. I was trying to keep track on my map, but then the bus went off the map so I decided it was best to just ride it out and eventually it got me to the right spot. Pretty much everything else went according to plan.
The trip was a little fast paced though and I didn't care for the early morning bus rides. But I can't think of a better way to see so much of Eurpoe in just two weeks. I think of it as an overview, sort of like looking through the chapter summaries of a book to see what you really want to read. My favorite city was Paris, but none of the cities were bad. I wa very suprised by London, it was much more than I thought it would be. Rome was great, but very spread out. Paris just has so much there that I would want to go back and see. I only got to spend about one hour in the Louvre and I think I could have spent a week in there. I still want to visit Scotland and Ireland, but I do want to go back to Paris some time too. I also want to see Egypt some day too.
Oh, this was cool: the very first thing I saw on TV when getting back to the States was a replay of on Tech touchdown on ESPN so I was all excited, but then they showed the score and saw that we lost. But still it was cool to see the replay of the touchdown.
Well, if you want to see a few more of the pictures you can click here. I made them smaller than original so they shouldn't take too long to download. I suppose I should see if there is any work I need to do. School starts this week and our faculty meetings are tomorrow so I am sure there is some work that needs to be done. I will try to post some more stories from each place soon.
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