Well, things are starting to wrap up for the summer. Class is almost over and we are starting to get ready for the fall quarter. For the most part it has been a pretty good summer. I still have a trip to Dallas planned and then my big trip to Europe. I finally got a decent camera too! At least I think it is decent, it looks cool if nothing else. It is an Olympus Stylus 710. I have a few pictures of it that I took with my old camera. My old camera is pretty good, but you can only use it about once a day a

I normally would have just kept on going with my old camera, but I reviewed a text book this summer and they paid me an honorarium so I figured I would use that money to get the new camera. So far I am pretty happy with it, but then again it has only been like 30 minutes.
Speaking of the text book reviewing, it was actually pretty fun. There was an option on the review form to remain anonymous to the author, I guess some people really go off on the books and are afraid to be known. I did have a few negative things to say about the book, but I didn't check the anonymous thing. That would have just seemed pretty weak to me. Overall, the book had some really great parts to it, I just think it was missing a few essential sections, but that is another story.
Well, I have been thinking about at least trying to keep up with my blog. But as you can tell, I haven't been doing a good job of that. They say that it takes doing something seven times to establish a habit. So that is my goal: to write on my blog at least once for seven weeks in a row and we will see how things go from there. It will sort of be my mid-year's resolution.
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