So I said I was going to post a little bit about my new office toy. I had almost let the day go by without posting it, but I remembered just in time. My new toy is a Dimension SST 1200. It is one of the coolest machines ever, it is a 3D printer. It can actually print three-dimensional objects. I can create a computer model of anything and send it to the printer and it will print out a plastic copy of whatever I created. Pretty cool, huh? Well, I think so anyway. We use it for creating prototypes and such. For instance, one of my co-workers was working on an directional drilling machine and we printed out the parts he designed and he can used them to show the clients what ideas he has come up with so far. I have a picture of it here, it is basically a big gray box with some cool technology inside. The other picture shows some of the parts I have printed out. I can't show the directional drill parts (they are secret for the time being) but they are pretty cool too.

Pardon my ignorance, but isn't any drilling machine directional?
I think have one of those "directional drilling machines" in my basement. It's built by Black and Decker, and it's called a "Drill".
Seriously, though, what IS a directional drilling machine?
hmm, I guess that would make sense, but what I was referring to is an underground drilling machine of which you can control the direction. Antoher word (and upon reflection, probably a better word) is steerable drilling machine.
Don't worry about being uncool. The world of science and technology has a very thin line between geek and cool and is usually dependent on knowing how cool gadgets work vs having them in possession. Here you fit both categories. :) I tend to stay on the geek side more often than not.
Regarding the 3D printer...I am still mesmerized by it and its capabilities since you showed it to me in person. I still have that "bottle" and show it off to my coworkers at every opportunity. Geek...Cool...who cares.
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