T minus 15 days and counting.
So I have now appealed for the last time in my battle with the City over my car. This last appeal bought me 15 more days. I think it is doable. It seems like all I need to do is show that progress is being made in the restoration of the Mustang. I have a lot of parts now, and most everything that is necessary to get the car back in running shape. There are definitely more parts that I want, but I think I have all the essentials. Now I just have to find the time to get out there and do the work. This picture shows the current state of the engine. It is just about ready to be pulled out - again it is just so HOT outside that I am not very anxious to get out there and do the work. Once the engine is replaced, I should be in good shape as far as the City is concerned.
To top things off though, my AC in the house is going to have to be completely replaced. I patched it together to get it to "work", but there will need to be some major changes made in order to actually have cool air inside the house. Let me check real quick, umm . . . yeah it is currently 88 degrees Fahrenheit inside at 7 PM - not too pleasant to say the least. Fortunately, if you recall, I do have a small window unit in my bedroom so that one room is an ok temperature. So, now I not only have to spend money to get the car running, I also have to spend some major bucks to get my AC fixed. But, God does provide - I just got word today that Tech is going to pay me some more money for a summer camp that I did back in June. So it will all work out in the end.
You know, as a teacher I often get emails of students inquiring about their grades. I am not really sure why they bother to ask, but often they do. So if you were a student and I told you that it was mathematically impossible for you to pass my class no matter what you scored on the final, what would you do? Well, it turns out that if you were one of the students in an engineering class that one of my co-workers teaches, you would stick it out and see how things turned out. Really? My favorite though is when I get an email saying:
Dr. C, I was wandering bout my grade . . .
I really wanted to ask him if it was a long trip.
aww look, word verification. did you get my text or do great minds just think alike? if so i'm sure you've already decided to only work on your car at the buttcrack of dawn as it's usually less than 90 degrees outside then. and spend any time inside your house in the bedroom. because 88 degrees is too friggin hot.
I got your text and added the word verification. It is annoying, but less annoying than reading spam. I don't know when I am going to work on the car, I am not a fan of waking up so early . . .
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