Anyway, now that I am on a technology train of thought, let me tell you about some of our newest additions in Bogard. From the very beginning of working at Tech, I have wanted to be involved in teaching (and doing) design work. Not your typical number crunching design work, but more of the "why don't we do something completely new" type of design work. So I have worked my way into a position where I get to teach an open ended, multidisciplinary design class and it is great (IMO). I am going to have to spend some more time this year working on the actual design (pun intended) of the course, but at least the framework is in place. So as part of this position, I get to seek funding for a prototyping lab, and we have been really successful lately and have added a rapid prototyping machine that I blogged about a long time ago, but since then we have gotten a water jet cutter, we have some CNC lathes and mills, a laser scanner, a powder coating machine, a vinyl sticker printer (you know, for making it look good), and a bunch of tools. We are getting to the point that we can make just about anything - which will come in handy this next year as we begin work on our new eco cars.

Last year (I tend to speak in school years, so bear with me) we built the "Blue Diamond" and carried it out to California to compete in the Shell EcoMarathon. We did ok, and got a lot of good publicity. This year, we are going to make some modifications on this car and re-enter it. But we are also going to build a completely new car to enter in the "Urban Concept" category. This new car will have to be much more car like - headlights, four wheels, room for two . . . I think it will be a lot of fun, err I mean a good teaching tool.
I like what I do! I just wish I fixed AC's, hmm maybe I can . . .
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