I thought summertime meant vaction time!
So our FrEP (Freshman Enrichment Program) started yesterday. Yes that is right, on Sunday. I thought that I was supposed to have all this free time during the summer, but I think I actually work more during the summer than during the regular school year. I was not originally scheduled to teach this FrEP class, but it turns out that I am teaching it now. It is pretty fun, but it is at 8:00 in the morning and I am just not much of a morning person. I guess it will be alright, the only problem I see right now is that I am not getting much done on my car. That could turn out to be a very bad thing, I have got to get it running very soon in order to beat the appeal. I just don't feel like doing very much once I finally get home - especially knowing that I am going to have to get up early (for me) each morning. Blah!
I did make a new guitar related purchase recently. I got a Line 6 Pod XT Live. It is a really nice effects board. I normally like to stick with all analog stuff, but decided that the XT was a much better solution even though it is a digital board. I went in the Ruston music store (Piney Hills Music), and talked with the guy about possible options and it ended up that I bought his XT board. I got a great deal and he seemed ok with it too. So if you have no idea what I am talking about, the effects that you run determine if you sound like U2, or Van Halen, or Elvis. Of course all the effects in the world don't matter if you suck. Anyway, I did add a picture of the board so you can get an idea. This is a stock picture, not a picture that I took, but you get the idea.
Well, I need to go try to get motivated to work on my car - I really just want to do nothing for a while though.
so how long is this class you have to teach? it kind of defeats the purpose of summer vacation if you actually have to work all day.
did you get my text? as a teacher, i know how you feel about summer school. it sucks. at least i can nap when i get home and not have to fix a car...and out in this heat!!! ugh.
Oh, I did get the text. I did get to meet him the other day. So far, things seem to be going well . . .
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