I did get to go to the Tech/USL game last weekend, and that was pretty fun! This week the game in on Wednesday in Boise, which is pretty odd. Obviously I can't go to Boise in the middle of the week, but the game is on ESPN so I will get to see it. I just have to figure out how to get out of Wednesday night practice. I know that I can set the DVR to record the game, there is just always that lingering thought that for some unknown reason the DVR won't work. Or worse, I will see the score before I get to start watching the game! :(
Speaking of Tech sports, it is time to buy season tickets for Basketball, I will try to go over this week and get mine. I would just buy them online, but I don't see where to get the faculty price, so I will have to go in person. I am thinking that this year should be pretty exciting for Tech Basketball. I think we will win 20 games or more, which is a drastic improvement from last year. I am not too much into the Women's Basketball, but I will get tickets to them also, just to support the team.
Oh, I almost forgot - I was nominated to be a deacon at church! I won't be actually ordained until November sometime, but I was still pretty excited. Daddy was a deacon back at my home church. I wish you guys had gotten to meet him. Anyway, I don't know all of the terminonlogy right now, but basically, I will be "active" for the next three years and then I am not sure what happens, but I think I rotate off for a while (or maybe not). I am looking forward to it all.
I have made some progress on my car. I posted some "before" pictures a while back, and now I have some "sort of after" pictures. It isn't ready yet, but at least it looks better in spots. Here is one of the engine. I took a little bit of creative liberty this time around. When I first restored the car, I did everything just like it rolled of the showroom floor. This time, I went with what looked good to me, I am not as concerened with factory original anymore. Next on the list is to install a new gas tank and fuel line, do some brake work, and get an inspection sticker. I have some nice shiny new parts for the interior too which will help out in there. The biggest thing on the interior was new carpet though.
Well, that is all for now!