So I only have a few days left to get the car to a marked state of improvement. I believe that things should be ok. The only problem is that I will be gone on a cruise when the deadline runs out. So I really need to get some work done these next few days to show that I have made progress. I should have a (temporary) license plate this week which should go a long way toward showing progress. I am going to get one of the Tech license plates - hopefully number 1965. I have a shiny new engine ready to go in, but I want to get the engine compartment cleaned up so that everything looks brand new. There is still quite a bit to do though. Some of the major things left are:
- clean and paint the engine compartment
- repair the power steering (I am waiting on parts for this)
- run new wiring for the engine
- plumb new gas lines for the new carburetor
- get the alternator working
- drop the new engine in place
- redo the brakes
- install new carpet
- fix some rust and dents
- new paint
Some of these things can wait, but others have to be done in order to get an inspection sticker. I hope to be driving this car to school this Fall. Once I get this one running, I can start working on my convertible Mustang - it has some problems that have had to be put on the back burner while I am focusing on the old one. The next big thing is to decide if I want to build a garage at the house I am at now, or look for some land and build an entirely new house complete with garage. That is going to take some serious thinking to figure out. So if you are interested in how an engineer makes a decision of that magnitude stay tuned for what I am sure will be an enthralling dissertation on the decision making process - there will be charts and graphs!
edit - not a fan of the little flowers on the bulleted list, but I don't have time right now to figure out how to change that.